Mock Tests are a great way to enhance one’s preparations especially when the exams are nearing. That is why CS MENTORS provides subject wise and current event based Mock tests through offline or postal modes. Our test series contain specific and relevant question which our team makes after months of detailed research and preparation. In the past as well it has been seen that almost 50-60% of the questions asked in the civil services examinations have been mentioned in our test series directly or indirectly.
At CS MENTORS we offer test series along with the integrated course at the time of an upcoming examination. We provide a comprehensive and very beneficial set of 15-20 tests in our test series. Separate Test series are conducted for UPSC and State civil services exams according to the need of the examination. We also provide separate test series for other examinations like state Allied services and Naib Tehsildar examinations. Our Test series are also available for purchase directly from the head office at Chandigarh or can be purchased through postal services.
CS MENTORS also provides Mock Test series for UPSC and State civil services Mains examinations. These tests are formulated by a team of experts at CS MENTORS academy covering the full mains syllabus keeping the current issues in focus. The set contains 40 tests in case of UPSC mains and 30 Tests in case of State civil services Mains examinations. Separate test series of 10 tests is conducted for Essays. Our Mains Test series are also available for purchase directly from the head office at Chandigarh or can be purchased through postal services.